We are pleased to have Hellmar Becker and Michael Lex speak, and glad to have Celonis as a partner for the venue.
Hellmar Becker is a Senior Sales Engineer at Imply. With over 20 years of experience in data analytics across pre- and post-sales roles, Hellmar has collaborated with large enterprises in finance, telecommunications, and retail. His past roles include work with Hortonworks and Confluent, and he currently supports the deployment of Imply's analytics platform around Apache Druid.
Apache Druid was designed over a decade ago to meet the need for querying large datasets by integrating real-time events with historical data. In this talk, Hellmar will cover the architectural decisions shaping Druid and how Imply has developed a complete analytics system around it. He will also discuss the deployment of Druid in Imply's cloud service, Polaris, and demonstrate the creation of a real-time analytics pipeline in practice.
Michael Lex is an engineering manager at ClickHouse Inc. His journey from software engineer to manager includes extensive IT consulting and backend development in Java. Michael has spent over ten years working with various data stores, ultimately favoring ClickHouse for its performance and scalability.
ClickHouse is a column-oriented distributed OLAP database, with a serverless offering known as ClickHouse Cloud. In this talk, Michael will demystify the inner workings of ClickHouse, covering what makes it so fast and scalable. He will delve into the challenges of separating storage and compute in the cloud and share both successes and challenges faced in developing this serverless architecture.