After a hiatus, Munich Database Meetup is back, thanks to the support of the TUM database group and our hosts, codecentric AG. Join us for insightful talks followed by networking and refreshments.
Philipp is a database researcher on the brink of completing his PhD on query processing. He is a passionate database systems engineer and a co-founder of CedarDB, a startup to bring the Umbra research database to the public.
This talk provides an overview of our modern database system, which enables processing and analyzing data in a single system. We explore the evolution of DBMSs from their traditional design to our modern data processing system, which efficiently manages and queries data. We take a technological deep dive into the core query execution engine behind CedarDBs and show fun examples that leverage this execution engine for interesting insights.
Andrey is an architect of JetBrains Fleet, a new IDE platform.
Building a distributed desktop application around an embedded database. Reactivity, concurrency model and state synchronisation in Fleet.